Thomas A. Cook
Tom Cook is Managing Director of Blue Tiger International, (bluetigerintl.com) a premier international business consulting company on supply chain management, trade compliance, purchasing, global trade and logistics. Previously, he was CEO of American River International in New York and Apex Global Logistics Supply Chain Operation in Los Angeles. He has over 30 years’ experience in assisting companies all over the world manage their import and export operations.
Tom is a member of the NY District Export Council, sits on the board of numerous corporations and associations, and is considered a leader in the business verticals he works in. He is also the Director of the National Institute of world trade (niwt.org) a 30-year-old educational and training organization, based in NY.
Tom has authored over 19 books on Global Trade and is in the middle of an 8 Book Series, Titled … The Global Warrior … Advancing On the Necessary Skill Sets to Compete Effectively in Global Trade.
Tom has both an undergraduate and MBA in International Transportation from SUNY Maritime College and is a retired Naval and Merchant Marine Officer.