Barry Katz
Senior Vice President / General Manager | NEP Studios
Website: www.nepinc.com
Barry is a veteran of over 40 years in the television industry. Starting out at ABC Television Network in the On Air Promotion department, Barry spent 10 years there learning the network business and gaining an in depth knowledge of what it takes to make a show successful. Barry then moved into the world of Cable Television as Director of Technical Operations for Rainbow Network Communications, a division of Cablevision. Managing a staff of almost 100, Barry was responsible for the production center delivering American Movie Classics, Bravo, SportsChannel, Playboy and many third party services. After two and a half years at Rainbow, Barry got the itch to get back into the creative end of television and took a position as Director of Creative Services for the television syndicator, DL Taffner Ltd. Learning the syndication business Barry then moved into the world of sales. In his own words “the pool he was always meant to swim in”. Going about sales with a fierce determination to understand and service his clients, Barry sold everything from tape duplication to post production services. This ultimately led him to a position as General Manager of Bexel New York, the equipment rental company. Opening their New York office, Barry made Bexel New York the second most successful rental office in the country, surpassed only by Bexel headquarters in Burbank.
After a 5 year run Barry was courted by Unitel Studios to head up their sales division. Staying there for two years, Barry brought in clients like ABC, ESPN, HBO, Rainbow and Food Network. From there he moved into similar positions at National Video Center and Chelsea All Mobile Video. In 2004, Barry joined NEP Studios as the Senior Vice President and General Manager. Under his leadership the studio division has doubled in size and is the leading provider of independent studios in the NYC area currently providing studio space for Comedy Central, Funny or Die Productions, Telepictures, A&E, Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, VH-1, BET, Major League Soccer and Tru TV.
Barry is married to Marilyn Katz who he met at Queens College and has two daughters. His older daughter Lisa is married to a graduate of Queens College and his younger daughter Amy is a Graduate student at Queens College.